The Army is delaying the further release of its massive human resources and benefits IT program for the second time in a year, citing issues with stress tests and soldier feedback. The Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A) is the … [Continue reading] about Army once again delays newest release of its pay and personnel system overhaul
GSA announces small increase to per diem lodging rates for 2023
As the travel industry — and prices — recover from COVID-19, the General Services Administration is giving federal employees a little more leeway on hotel costs for official travel. The base daily traveling allowances will rise slightly from $155 per … [Continue reading] about GSA announces small increase to per diem lodging rates for 2023
Wanna be a TSP trillionaire? Ask one!
While Mike Causey is away, please enjoy this column which originally published Feb. 16, 2022. There are lots of ways to become a millionaire. Some of them are even legal. You can invent something, like fire, Scrabble or … [Continue reading] about Wanna be a TSP trillionaire? Ask one!
Sen. Rubio hammers continued TSP investment in China
Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or PodcastOne. Some Senate Republicans are revitalizing concerns over Chinese investments in the Thrift Savings Plan. … [Continue reading] about Sen. Rubio hammers continued TSP investment in China
The third deadly sin and your TSP
While Mike Causey is away, please enjoy this column which originally published May 31, 2022. What part does greed play when you are investing for your future? How much is enough? And what risks should you take or avoid in … [Continue reading] about The third deadly sin and your TSP